Tuesday 26 November 2013

Planning Rape - Miss Miller

Planning Sound

Sound can be used in a thriller as an element to create emotion and tension within scenes as well as foreshadow situations. Sound is used widely across the genre to create tension and surprise the audience through a range of different techniques and sound types. Within each scene; sounds will be used to relate to the on-screen events, by matching the sound to the events it can create emotion that spreads throughout the audience. 
In our thriller film we will need to plan ahead to be able to know what sounds and effects will be needed in each scene in order for us to be able to create a maximum level of emotion for our ability, doing so this will give our thriller film a better feel and more realistic view when being watched. 

Diegetic sound will be used in my thriller clip. Diegetic is sound that happens on screen, an example of this the sound of leaves being crunched under a persons foot; the sound of this will be amplified and made more apparent via sound effects in order for the views to be able to understand the scene better. We will use Diegetic sound as it will allow me to make apparent specific areas of the clip.

Non-Diegetic sound is sound that takes place off scene, an example of this is a sound track. This is the main reason that Non-Diegetic sound will be used in my thriller clip, the sound track will be playing throughout the opening sequence as it helps to set the scene and confirms the audiences views of the movie being a thriller.

On Screen sound is yet another thing that will be apart of my thriller clip as it helps to build the tension within the scenes. this will allow each scene and camera shot to be able to build tension and build and emotional link between the movie and the audience. An example of this is a persons voice overlaying a conversation that is taking place on scene much like they do in animated movies like Finding Nemo or Shark Tale. 

Silence already is not a sound as much as it is the lack of sound has a massive effect on my thriller movie, silence builds tension as well as foreshadowing events that happen soon e.g. an attack or murder. This element of sound is widely used across the thriller genre as it creates a strong sense of mystery and being lost.   

Monday 25 November 2013

Group narrative - Miss Georgiou

What is the purpose of a narrative - The purpose of a narrative is to tell a story with meaning. The purpose for this is to get the audience to be able to interact with the movie displaying emotion and expression.

How did you and your group discuss your individual ideas? - Reviewing each others blogs with paper and pens in order to make comments, suggestions as well as likes and dislikes of each idea. After this we came to the conclusion of who had the best idea and who's idea we could develop into an idea that suits everybody in the group.

Luke Durrance - In Luke's individual ideas he posses the idea of filming the shot in an empty area possibly an industrial park? this gives the idea that a large open area would be a good place to film the short clip; this would be due to the open area making it a good place for shadows, low key lighting and possible camera shots due to the high flat roofs that are accessible.  Luke then talks about close ups of an the villain in a mask showing hidden identity, this will interest the audiance and give them emotion in reaction to the short clip. He continues to talk about the emotion that is involved in the movie using close ups to feature on certain aspects of the clip. He talks about not only the villain but how the victim reacts to the situation with a close up of tears rolling down his face. In summary his idea for the clip is a gang land attack on an inicent old man as he walks through the industrial park at night, this makes him a target and foreshadows the forth coming events; this means that after the clip is over the viewers can wonder and imagine the next events.

Harry Hyett - Harry's idea is a secluded location away from the outside world, which is out of the way from help from anyone. Female Victim most likely to be blonde as in my research from conventions they are portrayed as weak because of stereotypes. The female and the masked killer will be around Low Key Lighting as it creates shadows and suspense. Killer can be seen in the distance following the victim but barely seen so that it is not obvious to the victim. Killer comes into focus under a light to create a sudden shock to the audience and disappears quickly again. To create this light from lamppost can be used as they are a light source and shadows to hide the killer. It becomes apparent to the audience what is going to happen as they can see the killer gaining on the victim. The victim can be killed or just knocked out as the killer maybe torturing victims so either a knife to kill or some form of cloth with some liquid to knock the victim out when en-haled. In addition the victim doesn't need to be killed as the ending of the scene could just be a reaction shot. Although its typical of most thriller films for the victim to be killed.

Planning mise-en-scene Miss G

Why is Mise-en-Scene important within a thriller film?

Mise-en-Scene is important to a thriller as the 5 aspects of it create a relationship with the audience in order to build emotion. Lighting can create feelings of tension and mystery making the audience feel the emotion that is related to the on scene presence. The setting and iconography can foreshadow future events in a movie. Make up and costumes have the ability to make unreal situations seem more life like and real in order for the audience to relate to the situations currently going on, on screen.

What is the Mise-en-Scene of your thriller film? and why?

Lighting - Low key, this builds tension and mystery as well as provokes the idea of hidden identity

Setting & iconography - Hainault Industrial Park

Make up & costume - Hannah: Night dress with rips and dirt

Facial expressions - Hannah: emotionless right until the end where her face is filled with the enjoyment of murder
Harry: insent bistander.

Position within a character -

How is the Mise-en-Scene conventional to a thriller film?

The Mise-en-Scene is displayed in my thriller film by having a steryotypical blond victim. Another aspect is having it in a dark place with low key lighting giving the feeling of mysterious and hidden identity effect.

How can your thriller build a relationship with your target audience?

Target Audience

The research I performed was done so that I can get an idea of what kind of audience my thriller opening scene will appeal to and what they will antisipate a new thriller film to contain in its contents. The results will be effect by what they have seen over the years. This research will help me to create my opening scene by taking into account the audiences reactions and and appeals to what they want to include in the expect conventions. I will try to include what they want in order to give me an effective, engaging opening. In this analysis I will be analyzing the results from the 40 people that my group has asked the questions to.
Question 1, age range.