Friday 6 December 2013

Production Roles

Production Roles

In the creation of a movie people need to be given different roles to secure the sucess, efficency and overal saftey of the movie.
Film producers prepare and then supervise the making of a film before presenting the product to a financing entity or a film distributor. They might be employed by a film studio or be independent, yet either way they helm the creative people as well as the accounting personnel. There are many different roles witin a prodution this includes:

- Producers
- Directors
- Actors
- Cameraman
- Music producers
- Screenplay writers
- MES co-ordinators
- Editors

Producer: The producer is the person who takes overal charge over everybody who is assosiated with the film from the actors to the financing. He/She controls the sets that take place and stands off screen.

Directors: The director stands behind the cameras and is close to the actos as they are the ones who give instructions for facial expressions, body language and how to go about exicuting scenes to a high professioal manner.

Actors: These are the people that you see on scene when watching the final product in a cinema or on TV. The actors are responcible for learning and performing the screen player written by the screen writter. Actors build an emotional bond between movie and audience viewing it and are arguable the most important aspect to a entire movie.

Cameraman: The cameraman is in charge of the directions and angles of the camera as well as making sure that the footage taken is correct, relevant and up to the directors standards.

Music Producer: The music producer creates and inputs music into the movies in order for the movies to have an emotion relationship with the audience, their job is to make the movie more exciting and intense with the job of producing music.

Screenplay writer: This person creates the actually play that is then later taken by the director and turned into what the movie looks like on screen by adding emotion and screen directions. The screenplay writer creates the language that is said by the actors as well as creating the story line and the events that happen in order, their job is the make the actual base of the movie. This is arguable the most important job of making a movie due to not having this a movie would never exist.

Editor: This person takes all the film shots and looks at them on a computer, their job is too examine these clips and edit them into clips making them link and make sense to the audience. Editors shorten clips, extend clips, change speed as well as adding filters and different effects to clips to add emotion to the footage.

Roles of Our GroupWe decided our roles by conferring with what roles we were confident with, so our film would be quicker and more effective. We each had to do a certain amount of tasks between the four of us so we decided to do at least two each and then more if we felt we would be able to do/complete the task that the role would allocate

Producers - Harry Hyett, Co-Joshua Lester, Luke Durrance. A person responsible for the financial and managerial aspects of the making of the film, Together we will decide what we will need for our film and purchase the items we need and pay for it ourselves.
 Director - Harry Hyett. A film director is the person who directs the making of the film, as I contruceted the screenplay and I know it better than anyone else in the group, It would be easier to complete the opening scene filming.

Actors - Hannah Mahoney, Luke Durrance. A persons whose profession is acting in films, as they are both willing to act in the scene and feel confident in that role, also they are both stereotypical like characters of the thriller genre.

Director of Photography (Cameraman) - Joshua Lester. A person whose profession is operating a film camera., Joshua know the location of the setting very well and from this it would be best for him to take the role of cameraman and he already has an idea of what angles can be achieved at the setting.
Music Producers - Luke Durrance. A record producer is an individual working within the music industry producing music for a film., Luke took this role as he has a knowledge of how garage band works and felt confident with this role.

Screenplay Writer - Harry Hyett. Is a writer who practices the craft of screenwriting of films etc., I took this responsibility as I had a clear understanding of the story line at which we would be including in our opening thriller scene. So I took it apon myself to construct the individual narratives together and combine to make our real narrative/screenplay.

MES Coordinators - Hannah Mahoney, Joshua Lester. The five elements of MES are...
Settings and Iconography, Lighting and colour. - Joshua took this aspect as he had a clear understanding of the setting.

Costume, Hair and Make Up , Body Language and Facial Expressions- Hannah Character was put together by herself and she decide to have a specific costume, and with this used her hair and make-up to make an orphan like character. She also helped with the design of the other character.
Positioning of Characters within the frame - Joshua as the camera with the help of myself will position the characters where he wants them to be on screen.

   Editors - Harry Hyett, Luke Durrance, Joshua Lester. A person who is in charge and determines the final content of the film. We all have a basic understanding of the editing software that we will be using so together we would work together to put our film together.

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